XCTrack Pro (Perpetual licence): optimised, customised, pre-configured.
AIR³ Manager
automatic (on boot) /manual launch of XCTrack
automatic (on boot) /manual download of Openair file
define XCTrack Pro profile (Kiss- Easy-Expert-Paramotor)
define XCTrack Pro theme.
General applications linked to Android: Gallery, Internet Browser, Calendar, Calculator, Music player, Email, Google Play, Clock, Whatsapp, Messenger, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, …
Compatible with other flight Android Apps: XCsoar, LK8000, XC Guide, Safesky, Cruiser…
Additional features
As AIR³ is based on Android, additional features are limitless through apps.
For example, you can use Voice Access to enable Voice commands and interface with the AIR³ without the need for any physical interaction. This is just one example of the possible additional features that can be achieved with an AIR³.