
Use a Sim card with data to turn your AIR³ into a mobile phone or connect AIR³ with your mobile phone (Wifi-bluetooth) through “mobile hotspot” and turn your AIR³ into a livetracking device.

PC-live tracking6
Heading layer
PC-live tracking3
Editing flarm binding contact
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  • Check the Airbuddies around you on the map while flying
  • Send a message to an Airbuddy in 3 clics
  • Receive important messages while flying
  • “Translate” your Flarm Airbuddies ID into their username (if you use a Flarm receiver connected to XCTrack)
  • Once landed, upload automatically your flight on XContest website
  • On the ground, go to and select the pilots you want to track



Messaging (within XCTrack)

Check your “Live” status on the upper bar.

To know more about the Live status, check info regarding the Status line in the widgets explanation.

Set your quick message buttons before take off.

Track the nearby Live tracking airbuddies around you and send them a message.

Get messages on any page

Send a message with 3 clicks thanks to the pre-configured buttons

Review your messages in the drop down list



Mobile Phone (Within XCTrack)

Preconfigure your call-out widgets before take off. (Start call using speaker))

Click for one second on the call-out widget and keep your hands on the breaks to control your paraglider while calling.

Thanks to the powerful speaker and microphone, you can have a smooth conversation while flying.
